Since I have had the same site since 2005 through and they are very glitchy and down time is 90% and have poor customer service, I have decided to go with a new website company.
We have sweet babies available!
Since I have had the same site since 2005 through and they are very glitchy and down time is 90% and have poor customer service, I have decided to go with a new website company.
Hours: Monday - Thursday 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm. I am not open on Fridays or weekends! I cannot return emails when I am closed. Be sure you do not contact me during a weekend if you are asking for a Monday appointment since I won't be able to answer you until Monday evening when I open again. By appointment only with at least 24 hours notice (I will discuss setting up appointments while I am open during my posted hours). Arrive on time because I have adopters every 30 minutes to avoid 2 groups at once. My address is not listed on my site.
•Reading the website can answer simple questions like, "do you have babies available?" Please check what's available before emailing us to ask this as we will refer you back to our website to look at that info since it's already posted there.
© 2024 Camarattery. This site cannot be copied, printed, or print screened without written consent from webmaster. Any attempt to do so will result in charging you to the fullest extent of the law. This also includes printing photos or pedigrees. All images and text are property & copyrights of Camarattery.